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Questioning Integrity: EHF's Whistleblower Platform, the Silence on Irish Handball Issues and towards the Irish Handball News

Updated: Aug 14

Photo source: Canva

In sports, transparency and integrity are crucial. To address these needs, the European Handball Federation (EHF) introduced a whistleblower policy at its Ordinary Congress in Glasgow in June 2018. This policy, initially suggested by the Irish Olympic Handball Association (OHI), now rebranded as Olympic Handball Ireland (OHI), was designed to protect the sport’s integrity and ensure fair practices. However, OHI and the EHF have not adhered to these guidelines, raising critical questions about the policy’s effectiveness.

The EHF’s whistleblower platform, which originated from OHI, is not well-promoted, even in Ireland. At the time when was suggested in 2018, was a period when Irish board positions were not taken according to the constitution, reflecting a broader issue of hypocrisy: the promotion of integrity and fair practices by those who have historically acted contrary to these values.

When Irish Handball News reported issues within Irish handball directly to the EHF on May 13, the EHF did not acknowledge the need for review or corrective action. Instead, they expressed full confidence straight away in the Irish board and declined to engage in internal procedures, although the EHF whistleblower policy states otherwise. This position was reiterated by EHF leader, Michael Wiedere, on June 4 and June 12, where he further emphasized that "Olympic Handball Ireland (OHI) and their leadership and representatives are constantly working with the European Handball Federation regarding activities and information exchange."  and that "the Irish handball and its representatives have a firm position at the European level, and we are convinced that the current turbulence can and will be resolved in a structured manner within Irish handball and with the support of national and local authorities."

The EHF's position on the irregularities in Irish handball does not respect its own whistleblower policy or promote the integrity of the sport. They have decided to give "full trust" from the beginning and let the national authorities deal with it. However, we must remind ourselves: what was the purpose of the EHF Whistleblowing Platform with its Disclosure Policy? The EHF position is especially concerning given the high expectations placed on a continental federation, which requires direct involvement in addressing irregularities and a direct commitment to transparency in managing this kind of issues. 

From the beginning, there was insistence from our side on having the EHF directly involved in this matter, not at the discretion of Olympic Handball Ireland (OHI) and without considering "that Irish handball and their representatives have a firm stance on a European level."

The EHF should be aware of its responsibilities in situations like the one facing Irish handball, as the EHF's disclosure policy clearly states that issues can be reported and managed transparently at the European level, beyond the national context. However, there has been a demonstrated lack of knowledge of their own rules and policies. Throughout this time, the EHF has not encouraged thorough analysis of the situation, but rather support though their ignorance of the issues and confidence in the Irish board.

As we have mentioned so far, the EHF's approach is reactive and ignores facts, waiting for national resolution instead of taking immediate action, despite being a continental federation with its own policy that should promote good practices among its members.

For over 3 months, Olympic Handball Ireland has taken no steps to remedy the situation, clubs waiting for the decisions to be announced, Minister of Sport and Sport Ireland, showing the same attitude as EHF and IHF, of silence ignorance and lacking transparency of the situation.

What is the sense of having a code of ethics and promoting transparency in sport if these organizations show no responsibility in enforcing it? What is the point of having the EHF Whistleblowing Platform if it is not taken into consideration by the EHF itself? It undermines the credibility and purpose of these initiatives when the very bodies that are supposed to uphold these standards fail to do so. This lack of action not only damages trust but also hinders the development and integrity of the sport. Transparency and accountability should be core principles that are genuinely enforced, not just superficial commitments.

Good governance of a federation must respect universally recognized principles, largely due to the legal requirements and public funding they receive. The fact that there are different countries with different rules does not apply here, as integrity and transparency in sport are universal principles. After all, Olympic Handball Ireland is a government body for handball in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, not a private federation, member of the EHF and IHF. Therefore, it has a responsibility to uphold high standards of accountability and transparency to maintain public trust and fulfill its role effectively, nationally, continentally and globally. Moreover, as a member of the EHF and IHF, it has accepted additional requirements that have not yet been met. If the EHF and IHF’s rules are not respected, their role in maintaining the integrity and governance of the sport is compromised, undermining their authority and effectiveness in upholding the standards and values they are entrusted to enforce.

Despite the announcements regarding irregularities in Irish handball, some actions taken by EHF officials, including the EHF leader, Michael Wiederer, against Irish Handball News remain unexplained. We are still waiting for answers because the decisions of such a prestigious federation must be transparent and accountable. 

Furthermore, we are still waiting for a response from the International Handball Federation (IHF), the global governing body that should oversee the conduct of its members and ensure adherence to their principles and ethics. The IHF has a responsibility to monitor and address these issues, ensuring that the sport is run with integrity and fairness. We urge the IHF to take these matters seriously and fulfil their duty to the handball community.

Additionally, a sport journalistic blog has the right to have its questions answered, especially when these questions concern decisions taken against its activity. The decisions taken against a platform dedicated to promote transparency and integrity, are not only violate the principles of open communication but also suppress efforts to ensure accountability within the sport. It is imperative that both the EHF and IHF recognize and respect the role of independent journalism in fostering a transparent and ethical sporting environment.

Irish Handball News work to promote integrity in sport is no less valuable than that of professional journalists, and we deserve respect and clear explanations when actions are taken against us. Without clear communication about the decisions taken, the credibility of transparency, inclusivity, free speech, and good governance is called into question. It raises concerns about who controls the narrative and for whose benefit.

The EHF's commitment to fairness and integrity is crucial, and we expect future actions to reflect a stronger commitment to these principles, toward the Irish handball community and Irish Handball News, not just in supporting the Olympic Handball Ireland board. Encouraging and ensuring that all issues are addressed transparently and promptly, taking action not against those who present the truth but against those who fail to show integrity and transparency of their actions.

We call on the EHF to reaffirm its commitment to its whistleblower policy, ensuring the proactive and transparent management of reported issues, to provide clear and timely updates on the steps taken to address the current situation in Irish handball, demonstrating their commitment to upholding the highest standards of governance and fairness in sport. With that, we hope that the IHF fulfils its role as a global federation, not only by addressing this matter but also by demonstrating transparency, good ethics, fair treatment, and inclusivity. 

Irish Handball News remains committed to ensuring the transparency of what is really happening in Irish handball. We look forward to the EHF and IHF taking decisive steps to resolve the current issues and support the principles of transparency and integrity that are vital for the future of handball. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of freedom of expression in reporting facts and decisions made by those responsible for the sport. It is crucial that this freedom is not suppressed and that clear explanations are provided for the actions taken, for or against the sport or other platforms.

Our work continues. We are dedicated to advocating for our rights, fair treatment, free speech, and the integrity of the sport. We will persist in speaking out!

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